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May 01, 2012


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Thanks so much for blogging and tweeting from the courtroom. My partner is is involved in the trial and I am keeping at the edge of my seat. We don't have much contact since the work hours are very long, and I am relegated to staying at home, away from the area so as not to cause distractions. It's tough being a an emotional support with so little contact. But I know that for many of the folks involved, it is a chance of a lifetime to be part of a case proceeding all the way through a jury trial, and they feel it is a privilege to be part of history. It's like sports teams going into the playoffs/championships - they draw upon their reserved energies to step up their game.

When the closing arguments were over, you posted that the opposing counsels shook hands - I found that quite honorable. Warm fuzzies.

Anyway, thank you (and your court reporter colleagues) for their work covering this case.

Ginny LaRoe

Thank you for sharing that. I am so glad we can be of service. I'm sure you will be glad to have your partner back. Just six-ish more weeks! Hang in there.


Loving your tweets and now this very cool write-up on the inner workings of Alsup's court! Keep it up!! :-D

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Thank you for sharing that. I am so glad we can be of service. I'm sure you will be glad to have your partner back. Just six-ish more weeks! Hang in there.

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"is incorrect" is that like lying? Sounds like anger management time. Let opposing counsel bring up the lie. Sould counsel also ask the appelate court for a change in venue to a new courtroom?

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