Put pro-pot law students, a Republican-appointed U.S. attorney, a television camera and free pizza (actual pie, at left) into the same room, and you’re pretty much guaranteed some entertainment.
So it was Wednesday afternoon at Hastings, when top Bay Area federal prosecutor Joseph Russoniello showed up to debate Joe Elford, chief counsel with Americans for Safe Access. The event, moderated by Hastings professor Rory Little (who showed little shame about tearing into his slices with the aplomb of an Arcata agriculturalist), aimed to make sense of federal pot enforcement in California, given Attorney General Eric Holder’s recent comments that the feds wouldn’t bust people who complied with state law.
Russoniello treated Holder’s statements with a respectful shoulder shrug: since California’s regulations mandate that medical dispensaries be nonprofits — and the feds have always prioritized commercial operations over users and legitimately sick people — the attorney general has effectively changed little. Elford latched onto Russoniello’s comment that co-ops have “little” to fear from federal law enforcement, saying he would have felt much more comfortable had the U.S. attorney said “nothing to fear.”
But overall, Russoniello more than held his own.
More on Russoniello's appearance, a bit of heckling and photos of actual people, after the jump.
Elford & Russoniello address a mellow bunch of Hastings students. |
When Elford disputed Russoniello’s characterization that a 1970s era commission had concluded that marijuana was harmful and shouldn’t be legal, the U.S. attorney read aloud from testimony given by one of the commissioners saying just that. Elford never responded directly, and it took a sharp student to point out that even though the commissioner may have said he didn’t think marijuana should be legal, that didn’t drop decriminalization off the table.
And when some spectators ranted through familiar legalization arguments — that the feds won’t allow real scientific studies, that alcohol is much worse than marijuana, and that pot smokers are generally harmless teddy bears — Russoniello came off looking, well, more prepared than they did (even though he couldn’t resist that old drug warrior shibboleth, that marijuana is a gateway). The medical pot system in California is rife with abuse, Russoniello said, with dispensaries loathe to police themselves and doctors phoning in prescriptions.
“The notion that people smoking marijuana are just staying home and watching cartoons is absurd,” he pronounced.
“No, you’re absurd!” shrieked back one attendee.
— Dan Levine
Maybe you didn't attend the same debate that I did. Or maybe you just read the Cliff's notes.
And since you wasted 3 full paragraphs trying to be clever and devoted 2 to substance, I almost feel bad pointing out that one of those 2 gives a wrong account of the exchange.
What the student pointed out was that Russoniello's reading from a member of the Shafer Commission report didn't contradict anything that Elford said. And incidentally, you seem to gloss over the biggest point. Elford's was a description of the the findings of the report (titled "Marihuana, A Signal of Misunderstanding). Then Russoniello read the comments of one commissioner who didn't fully agree with the findings that were finally published.
So Russoniello quoted a guy who was commenting, after the report's release, on being overruled by the rest of the Commission. Apparently his concerns about legalization were considered by the Commission and dismissed. And Russoniello thought this was a good argument?
And you didn't point out how silly this is?
Posted by: George | April 09, 2009 at 12:28 AM
Oh wait wait wait one more.
When Russoniello made the claim that every single dispensing collective in California was out of compliance with Attorney General Jerry Brown's guidelines, he used as evidence a quote from an article.
The article's title, which Elford made him say out loud to the audience (and you forget to mention here), was "Brown: SOME(emphasis mine) Pot Dispensaries May Be Illegal".
And the quote Russoniello used??
But seriously, I'm glad you think he "more than held his own" in the debate.
Posted by: George | April 09, 2009 at 11:27 AM
Posted by: jncc | April 09, 2009 at 12:43 PM
I was there. It was a drag that some people tried to turn what was supposed to be an informative panel into a policy debate. If it was going to be a debate, obviously Russoniello was going to win. He's been doing this for 40 years and he's quite used to hecklers by now.
Elford could have been better prepared and less slippery. He tried to point out how unfortunate it is that a "gray area" in the law can result in a 10-year mandatory minimum. Oh, the injustice! Wait, how much possession are we talking about for such a sentence? 1,000 Kgs. That's right, a metric ton. That would supply most state colleges for a year.
Posted by: Hastings 1L | April 09, 2009 at 02:33 PM
It shouldn't even be debated. Pot is a relatively harmless substance (compare to most things we ingest), and consumption in the privacy of our own home should be protected by the Constitution (i.e., the right to privacy in the "penumbra" of certain amendments). JR is a fascist and has no business being the US Attorney for the Bay Area.
Posted by: tom | April 09, 2009 at 03:18 PM
The event, moderated by Hastings professor Rory Little (who showed little shame about tearing into his slices with the aplomb of an Arcata agriculturalist),
Posted by: Credit Card Lawsuit | July 01, 2012 at 11:49 PM