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April 23, 2007



im gonna have to go with b), the kangaroo fluke theory.

Linda Schoen, Esq.

Even when a lawyer avoids the inevitably depressing areas of criminal and divorce law, it is hard not to feel a sense of futility, disgust, and general unhappiness when in the practice of law each of us has to deal with ignorant, willful, deceitful, irresponsible, or nasty clients, not to mention the many who think they need not pay their attorneys because a few of us make a lot of money according to the media. Even in probate law, there is the unbelievably vicious behavior or the heirs or would-be heirs. There us no escape from the seedier side of human nature, and attorneys have to deal with them it should be not be a surprise that attorneys are more depressed than most people.

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